Join us for the 2016 WATSA Annual Spring Conference
at the Lodge at Suncadia!
This year's presenters include: Maaike Helmus, Jennifer Wheeler, Kecia Rongen, Jeff Patnode, and Michael O'Connell.
Click on the link: the conference brochure for more details about the conference!
ATTENTION Conference Attendees!!
Click the links below to download speaker presentations. Both the powerpoint slides, and handout versions in a PDF file (3 or 4 slides per page) are available for each presentation. Please note there are 3 presentations.
Helmus WATSA 2016-02-13 to send.ppt
Helmus 3-slide handout with notes
Helmus 4-slide handout
Ethics WATSA 2016.pptx
Ethics 3-slide handout with notes
Ethics 4-slide handout
SOPB,ISRB PRESO TO WATSA 3-2016 1.0.pptx
SOPB 3-slide handout with notes
SOPB 4-slide handout
You can download the files directly to your laptop or tablet or print them out for your use.
Click here for the Registration Form if you want to register by mail or fax.
Registration Fees Include: Admission to all sessions; access to all handouts; dinner on Friday night; lunch on Saturday and a Continental Breakfast on Saturday & Sunday, as well as the opportunity to network with colleagues! Coffee, tea & other beverages will be provided for scheduled breaks for all conference attendees.
Attendance for the entire conference will earn you 14 CE Hours.
Accommodations: Suncadia Lodge, Cle Ellum, WA. There is a reduced rate for the conference, so be sure to let them know you are part of the WATSA conference at the time that you register!!
Address: 3600 Suncadia Trail Cle Elum, WA 98922
Reservations: 866-904-6300
NOTE: You must book your room before February 12th in order to receive the reduced conference rate. After February 11th, these rooms will be released to the general public - and they tend to sell out! SEE BELOW.
No rooms at Suncadia when you call? Try the Best Western in Cle Elum. Call (509) 674-0200.

Additional Information
Limited Space: Please be aware there are only 90 spaces available. Registration will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. No other applications will be processed after the available slots are filled.
Cancellation Policy: There will be a $50.00 fee charged for each cancellation until February 18, 2016. There will be no refunds after February 18, 2016 for “no shows”. Substitutions will be allowed. These are conference cancellation policies. Please contact Suncadia directly for their cancellation policies regarding lodging.
Want to Register as a Group? Single agencies registering three or more participants will receive a $10.00 per person discount.
All group registrants must submit paper registration forms (download form here) and payment in the same envelope or fax forms together to be eligible for this group discount.
WATSA is going greener this year, and will make conference handouts available for download from our website. Check back at the website approximately two weeks prior to the conference.
Have more questions? Contact our Conference Chair:
Maureen Saylor, RNMA
3516 So. 47th. St., Suite 201
Tacoma WA. 98409
Phone: (253) 475-0326 Cell: (253) 312-3961
Fax: (253) 475-0328